“潔白”的近義詞/同義詞:明凈, 純潔, 純凈, 清白, 雪白, 皎皎, 皎潔, 皎白, 潔凈。...
“潔白”的拼音為:jié bái...
“潔白”的英語可以翻譯為:spotlessly white,pure white,candour,cleanness,holiness ...
在城市里,潔白的雪已化為灰色的雪泥。In the city the clean white snow had turned to grey slush.潔白的襯衣a spotless white shirt新娘穿一身潔白的禮服.The bride was attired in white....
她鮮紅色的口紅更襯出了她牙齒的潔白。Her scarlet lipstick emphasized the whiteness of her teeth.那個軍官咧開嘴,露出潔白整齊的牙齒。The officer's mouth opened, showing white, even teeth.在城市里,潔白的雪已化為灰色的雪泥。In the city the clean white snow had turned to g...
“潔白”的反義詞:霉黑, 污黑。...
“潔白的”的英語可以翻譯為:lily,pure white,undefiled ...