“摧毀”的反義詞:保護, 建造, 創(chuàng)建。...
“毀掉”的英語可以翻譯為:eak down,finish,go to sticks and staves,[經(jīng)] breakdown ...
“摧毀”的近義詞/同義詞:破壞, 粉碎, 毀壞, 摧殘, 虐待, 凌虐, 蹂躪, 糟蹋, 殘害, 敗壞, 損壞, 推翻, 毀壞, 拆卸, 迫害, 侵害, 傷害, 蹂躪, 蹧蹋, 摧殘, 粉碎。...
殺人后,他鎮(zhèn)定地點起火銷毀罪證。After the killing, he calmly lit a fire to destroy evidence.遠期目標必須是將核武器盡數(shù)銷毀。The long-range goal must be to do away with nuclear weapons altogether.找到并且銷毀,重復一下,銷毀這些部件。Find and destroy, repeat destroy, thes...
“毀謗”的反義詞:贊美, 贊揚, 稱贊, 標榜。...
走著走著, 碰到了一座塌毀了的破土墻.Going, came up against to collapse the break ground wall that destroyed.夸洛佩克: 但在夢魘里你會看見我那被你毀了的臉.Qualopec: But it is my face you will see in your nightmares....
“銷毀”的近義詞/同義詞:燒毀, 廢棄, 毀滅, 殲滅, 消滅, 舍棄。...
“搗毀”的拼音為:dǎo huǐ...
50碼鐵軌被炸毀。Fifty yards of track was blown up with dynamite.在10月27號他們的家園被炸毀了。On 27 October they were bombed out.這艘船被炸毀了。The ship was wrecked by an explosion....
這些火災很可能會徹底毀掉這片土地上的森林。The fires are likely to permanently deforest the land.蚜蟲正在毀掉一片片的小麥和大麥田地。The aphid is now laying waste to the wheat and barley fields.我們不能眼睜睜地看著你毀掉自己的生活。We can't just sit by and watch you throw y...
大部分注銷的資料應加以毀損,以防止未經(jīng)批準的轉售他處.Most discarded material is mutilated or destroyed to prevent unauthorized resale elsewhere.那樣的行為將會毀損他的名譽.Such conduct will be derogatory to his reputation.車胎上的油會毀損車胎.Oil on your car tires will ...
“燒毀”的近義詞/同義詞:廢棄, 毀滅, 銷毀。...
“毀滅”的拼音為:huǐ miè...
“毀傷”的英語可以翻譯為:injure,hurt,damage ...
“毀謗的”的英語可以翻譯為:calumnious,disparaging ...
“燒毀”的英語可以翻譯為:urn down,burn up,[電] consumption,burnout,burn ...
即使是最有天賦的人也可能會被錯誤的導師摧毀自信。Even the most gifted can have confidence destroyed by the wrong instructor.暴風雨徑直席卷該島,摧毀了建筑,淹沒了街道。A storm moved directly over the island, demolishing buildings and flooding streets.數(shù)周的空中轟炸已經(jīng)摧毀了許多工廠...
好幾十英里的鐵軌被毀壞了。Dozens of miles of railway track have been torn up.亞當蹣跚而行,沿路留下毀壞的痕跡。Adam stumbles on, leaving a trail of devastation in his wake.他們承認了刑事毀壞的較輕罪名。They pleaded guilty to lesser charges of criminal damage....
“搗毀”的近義詞/同義詞:摧毀, 廢除, 推翻, 撤銷, 拆除。...
“詆毀”的拼音為:dǐ huǐ...
生銹和掉漆說明金屬配件損毀嚴重。Rust and flaking paint mean the metalwork is in poor condition.他用棒球棒惡意損毀了一輛汽車。He maliciously damaged a car with a baseball bat.仍有大約40名囚犯被困在嚴重損毀的建筑物中。About forty prisoners are still barricaded inside the w...
“詆毀的”的英語可以翻譯為:[法] slanderous ...
“毀了的”的英語可以翻譯為:out for the count ...
已經(jīng)有數(shù)千英畝森林和灌木叢林地被燒毀。Thousands of acres of forests and scrubland have been burnt.空間站在重返地球大氣層時會被燒毀。The station would burn up on re-entry into the earth's atmosphere.遺憾的是,這座房屋在1828年的火災中大部分被燒毀。Sadly, most of the house wa...
亞當蹣跚而行,沿路留下毀壞的痕跡。Adam stumbles on, leaving a trail of devastation in his wake.他們承認了刑事毀壞的較輕罪名。They pleaded guilty to lesser charges of criminal damage.他們從毀壞的飛機上拆零件用。They cannibalized damaged planes for the parts....
他毀謗自己的對手.He throws mud at his competitors.你含糊其詞的贊美實際上損害了她俊美的形象((簡直是在毀謗)).You libel her beauty with your faint praise.她的毀謗損害了他的名譽.Her slanderous words soiled his reputation....
以文字損害名譽和毀謗的區(qū)別是:以文字損害名譽是書面上的,毀謗是口頭上的.The diffience between libel and slander is that libel is printed while slander is spoken.我一直是政治史上史無前例被人辱罵和毀謗的對象.I have been the subject of abuse and slander scarcely ever equaled in po...
“詆毀”的近義詞/同義詞:誹謗, 毀謗, 離間, 中傷, 訕謗, 誣蔑, 譴責, 造謠。...
囚犯撒野鬧事,砸毀了所有擋路的東西。The prisoners went on the rampage destroying everything in their way.這些是極危險的工作,差不多準保能毀了你的事業(yè)。These are kamikaze jobs, the ones almost guaranteed to end your career.任由鹿糟蹋會很容易把莊稼都毀了。Crops can be all too ea...
你告訴我的事情就是他又撞毀了一輛車。All you told me was that he'd smashed up yet another car.在一輛撞毀的汽車旁發(fā)現(xiàn)了她的尸體。Her body was found near a crashed car.飛機猛地翻轉,撞毀了。The plane flipped and crashed....