“棒棒糖”的英語可以翻譯為:lollipop,lolly,sugar-loaf ...
他們填了一肚子的冰激凌、巧克力和棒棒糖。They stuffed themselves with ice creams, chocolate and lollies.凱文想舔一下薩拉的棒棒糖.Kevin wanted a lick of Sarah's lollipop.我給孩子買了幾根棒糖.I bought the child some sticks of candy....
“棒糖”的英語可以翻譯為:lollipop,lollypop,all-day sucker,candy stick ...
“棒糖”的拼音為:bàng táng...
他們填了一肚子的冰激凌、巧克力和棒棒糖。They stuffed themselves with ice creams, chocolate and lollies.凱文想舔一下薩拉的棒棒糖.Kevin wanted a lick of Sarah's lollipop.我給她買了棒棒糖,一吹就嗚的打響的小喇叭. 我就往回走.I bought lollipops and a toot - toot bugle. I start...