我正在校準無線電測向儀或校正指南針.I am calibrating radio direction finder or adjusting compasses.用量規(guī)調整或校正 ( 機械部件 )To adjust or align ( mechanical parts ) with a trammel....
“校正”的近義詞/同義詞:訂正, 考訂, 校對, 校閱, 校訂, 改正, 勘誤, 厘正, 改良, 改進, 更正, 矯正, 糾正, 修正, 校勘。...
“校正的”的英語可以翻譯為:[計] correcting,updated ...
“校正”的英語可以翻譯為:check,correction,adjust,revise,emendation ...
“校正”的拼音為:jiào zhèng...
我正在校正西班牙語版本的校樣。I'm correcting the proofs of the Spanish edition right now.學校正試用新的數(shù)學教程.Schools are piloting the new maths course.這一帶的學校正試用新的數(shù)學教程.Schools in this area are piloting the new maths course....
“校正者”的英語可以翻譯為:corrector,emendator ...
把它當作一種能夠自行校正的結構,是合理的.It was reasonable to treat it as a self - righting mechanism.測出產生力矩的電流,然后根據(jù)事先校正的數(shù)據(jù)來算出飄移率.The torquing current is measured and related to drift rate by prior calibration data.我相信解決的方法在面板厚度校正的技術,而不是力木的...