中國在這個問題上的立場是明朗的.China's stand on this question is clear to all.情況不久就會明朗的.The situation will soon come clear.每年創(chuàng)作和發(fā)表的詩篇,含蓄不露的比明朗的多.There are more obscure poems written and printed every year than clear ones....
“明朗”的反義詞:陰暗, 曖昧, 昏暗, 陰沉, 陰郁, 迷茫, 迷蒙, 朦朧。...
由于雙方均宣稱獲勝,形勢依然不明朗。The situation remains confused as both sides claim success.此役結(jié)果尚未明朗。The outcome of the battle was indecisive.至少銀行的形勢已經(jīng)更加明朗了。At least the bank situation had firmed up....
“明朗”的拼音為:míng lǎng ...
“明朗”的近義詞/同義詞:清朗, 晴明, 晴朗, 開闊, 爽朗, 開朗, 光明, 光后, 豁后, 敞后。...
“明朗的”的英語可以翻譯為:Anacreontic,canty,clear,obvious,broad ...