他把報紙整齊地疊起來,然后抿了口咖啡。He folded his paper neatly and sipped his coffee.她所有的信件都整齊地放在文件夾中。All her letters were carefully filed away in folders.他大約有1,000盒磁帶,都整齊地貼著標簽并分了類。He had maybe a thousand tapes, all neatly labelled and c...
衣服疊放成整齊的一摞。The clothes were folded in a neat pile.她有一口漂亮整齊的牙齒。She had very pretty straight teeth.那個軍官咧開嘴,露出潔白整齊的牙齒。The officer's mouth opened, showing white, even teeth....
這把傘卷得不整齊.This umbrella doesn't furl neatly.除此之外,站上的一切全都一團糟 -- 人員混亂, 事物沓雜, 建筑也不整齊.Everything else in the station was in a muddle -- heads, things, buildings.他自己會穿不整齊的.He will be ill dressed by himself....
我已經讓孩子們把他們的抽屜弄整齊.I've asked the children to clean out their drawers.整天,我們卸下了盒子, 填充食櫥和弄整齊, 直到我們極端地疲累.The whole day we unpacked the boxes, filled the cupboards tidied, until we were extremely tired.客人到達時務必把房間弄整齊.Pleas...
“弄整齊”的英語可以翻譯為:snug ...
“不整齊”的英語可以翻譯為:irregular,out of order ...
“整齊”的英語可以翻譯為:in good order,neat,even,regular,in order ...
“弄整齊”的拼音為:nòng zhěng qí...
“整齊的”的英語可以翻譯為:neat,orderly,regular,dapper,soigne ...
“整齊”的拼音為:zhěng qí...
“使整齊”的英語可以翻譯為:[機] level up ...
“整齊”的近義詞/同義詞:劃一, 齊截, 齊整, 一律, 井然。...
幾個人正挪動學校的桌椅,將它們排整齊。Several men are pushing school desks and chairs into neat rows.在裙子上的邊緣她縫了一排整齊的縫線.She made a neat row of stitches along the edge of her skirt.她在她的襯衫沿著邊緣一排整齊的縫線.She made a neat row of stitches along the ...
“不整齊”的拼音為:bù zhěng qí...
這棟房子透著一種寧靜和整齊感。The house projects an atmosphere of calm and order.門口站著一位穿戴整齊、儀態(tài)莊重的男子。At the door was a neatly dressed, dignified man.他把報紙整齊地疊起來,然后抿了口咖啡。He folded his paper neatly and sipped his coffee....
“整齊”的反義詞:雜亂, 參差, 紛亂, 凌亂, 零亂, 雜沓。...
“整齊地”的英語可以翻譯為:fitly,shipshape,trimly,tidily ...