“使振奮”的英語可以翻譯為:cheer up ...
瑪麗振奮的精神感染了班上所有的女孩子.Mary's high spirits infected all the girls in the class.再振奮的心情都能被不整潔的環(huán)境所影響.An untidy house can wear down anyone's cheer eventually.刺激物:令體力或精神振奮的因素.A cause or source of renewed physical or spi...
苦中帶甜的酒發(fā)揮了奇效,我們的精神隨之振奮起來。Our spirits rallied as the bitter-sweet alcohol worked its magic.她情緒有點低落,需要振奮起來。She's feeling a bit down in the dumps and needs cheering up.該消息讓每個人都感到振奮。The news heartened every-body....
“振奮”的反義詞:頹廢, 頹喪, 消沉, 委靡。...
“振奮”的近義詞/同義詞:奮發(fā), 高昂, 昂揚, 抖擻, 感奮, 煥發(fā), 興奮, 振作, 奮起, 旺盛, 高興, 蓬勃, 興盛。...
“振奮”的拼音為:zhèn fèn ...
“振奮”的英語可以翻譯為: rouse oneself,brace oneself up,rise with force and spirit,be inspired with enthusiasm,hearten ...