我擠出人群,踏上了自動扶梯。I pushed through the crowds and on to the escalator.兩名男子突然用肘在購物者中擠出一條路。Two men suddenly elbowed a passage through the shoppers.那個人從人群中硬擠出一條路。The man pushed his way authoritatively through the crowd....
“擠出”的拼音為:jǐ chū...
“擠出的”的英語可以翻譯為:extrusive ...
“擠出”的英語可以翻譯為:squeeze out,force out,extrusion,extrude,pile out ...
對擠出的粉末涂料冷卻后碾壓的結果.The result of braking extruded powder coating after cooling.我用西瓜擠出的汁喂小孩.I have squeezed juice from a watermelon for my baby.我用擠出的牛奶做黃油,以后我們就衣食不愁了.I will milk her and 3 churn butter and we shall never wan...