“指數(shù)”的英語可以翻譯為:[經(jīng)]index number,index,[數(shù)] exponent,index mark,exponential ...
指數(shù)化的主要障礙在于薪資的指數(shù)化.The main snag about indexation lay in the indexation of wages.趙志成: 對于定價指數(shù)化, 這其實是歧視性價格.Zhao Zhicheng: For the price index, which is discriminatory prices.順應(yīng)通脹的指數(shù)化提議已有著多年的歷史.There is a long history of inde...
“指數(shù)”的拼音為:zhǐ shù...
道瓊斯工業(yè)平均指數(shù)下跌了5個點,收于2,913點。The Dow Jones industrial average is down 5 points at 2,913.我們檢查了血球指數(shù),以確保一切正常。We do a blood count to ensure that all is well.女性平均體質(zhì)指數(shù)約為23。The average BMI in women is around 23....
這些價格水平看起來會阻止指數(shù)的上升.These are price levels that seem to stop the index rise.在不知道指數(shù)的情況下,采用對數(shù)解方程式非常有效.Logs are useful in solving equations in which exponents are unknown.而道瓊斯工業(yè)股票平均價格指數(shù)的跌幅為25%,相比之下稍顯溫和.The Dow Jones Industria...
“指數(shù)的”的英語可以翻譯為:exponential ...
“指數(shù)化”的英語可以翻譯為:[經(jīng)] indexation ...