“拖延”的近義詞/同義詞:推延, 耽擱, 延宕, 稽遲, 稽延, 遷延, 遲延, 擔擱, 逗留, 耽誤, 阻誤, 貽誤, 延誤, 緩慢。...
“拖延”的英語可以翻譯為:delay,put off,procrastinate,hang up,drag on ...
他討厭任何形式的拖延和耽擱。He hates delay and procrastination in all its forms.看起來那像是個會拖延多年的大爛攤子。That seems like a horrible mess that will drag on for years.他們接著會拖延生意的成交。They will then hang back on closing the deal....
雖然拖延的傾向是普遍的, 但是人們應該充分考慮到不必要的延誤造成的有害影響.While the inclination to procrastinate is common, one must fully consider the detrimental impact of unnecessary delays.她只得寫信去詢問拖延的理由.She wrote to enquire the cause of the delay.凡是他們不...
“拖延”的拼音為:tuō yán...
“拖延的”的英語可以翻譯為:protracted,[法] dilatory ...