“開始”的反義詞:終了, 結束, 結尾, 結局, 結果, 終結, 罷休, 停止。...
“開始”的拼音為:kāi shǐ...
“開始”的近義詞/同義詞:開端, 動手, 下手, 入手, 著手, 開頭, 開首, 起頭, 起先, 起首, 早先, 最先, 起初, 首先, 劈頭, 起源, 發(fā)端, 發(fā)軔, 初步, 初階, 濫觴, 先導, 先河, 入手下手, 出手。...
如果你夜里真的醒了,就再從頭開始做這套動作。If you do waken up during the night, start the exercises again.她剛開始做時我心存疑慮,但她真的做得很好。I had my doubts when she started, but she's getting really good.開始做這工作之前,我并未預想過它的實際情況。Before I started the jo...
今天地方選舉的投票一開始就人頭攢動。There has been a busy start to polling in today's local elections.現在人們開始意識到必須采取斷然的行動。Now there is a dawning realisation that drastic action is necessary.與福特的密切合作開始令我愛上了電影。Working with Ford closely,...
“開始”的英語可以翻譯為:egin,start,initial stage,beginning,commence ...
“開始的”的英語可以翻譯為:inaugural,initial,[計] bebinning,opening,embryonic ...
本周開始任何事都可能發(fā)生!Anything can happen as the week begins!...
做母親并不像我一開始想的那樣糟!Being a mother isn't as bad as I thought at first!我開始想當時若是更自制一些就好了。I began to wish I'd shown more self-control.電話里的聲音有點兒熟悉,但是克魯克一開始想不起來到底是誰。The voice on the line was vaguely familiar, but Crook ...
“使開始”的英語可以翻譯為:ing into ...
比賽開始的時候形勢大好,斯皮德以一記精彩的進球拔得頭籌。It all started so promisingly when Speed scored a tremendous first goal.這部影片的票房收入開始的時候持續(xù)上漲,但是后來急劇下降。The film opened to healthy box office receipts before rapidly falling off.所有新時尚都是從打破現有常規(guī)開始的。...