“干涉”的近義詞/同義詞:干預, 過問, 插手。...
議會形容此法令為對共和國內政的干涉。The parliament described the decree as interference in the republic's internal affairs.你是在干涉人們的宗教信仰,他們并不喜歡你的做法。You are messing with people's religion and they don't like that.很難想象她會喜歡被人過多...
不干涉的職員管理方法a hands-off approach to staff management這不是我所應當干涉的.It is not within my province to interfere.總統(tǒng)借機猛烈抨擊了被自己視為外國干涉的行為。The President took the opportunity to hit out at what he sees as foreign interference....
采用二進小波變換消除了等離子體激光干涉圖象的噪聲.The noise of plasma laser interferogram is removed with binary wavelet transform.PZT移 相時的線性好壞對干涉儀采集的移相干涉圖的質量有著較大的影響.The linearity of the PZT has a big influence on the quality of the interference...
不干涉的職員管理方法a hands-off approach to staff management我們不干涉法國對北非之行政管理.We would not disturb the French administrative control of North Africa.當局不干涉我們.The authorities did not interfere with us....
“干涉的”的英語可以翻譯為:[法] intrusive,interferential ...
“干涉”的反義詞:放任, 管束, 約束。...
“干涉圖”的拼音為:gān shè tú...
“干涉”的英語可以翻譯為:interfere,intervene,meddle,[物] interference,intermeddle...
“干涉者”的英語可以翻譯為:[法] intervener,meddler ...
“干涉儀”的英語可以翻譯為:interferometer ...
“不干涉”的拼音為:bù gān shè...
“不干涉”的英語可以翻譯為:noninterference,nonintervention,let be ...
“干涉圖”的英語可以翻譯為:[物] interference pattern,fringe pattern,interference figure,interferogram ...
“干涉鏡”的英語可以翻譯為:interference mirror,interferoscope ...
“干涉”的拼音為:gān shè...
光線用棱鏡 、 光柵或干涉儀分解.The light is resolved by prisms, gratings, or by an interferometer.邁克耳孫和莫雷使用一臺邁克耳孫發(fā)明的干涉儀.An interferometer invented by Michelson was used by Michelson and Morely.不很精確的射電干涉儀觀測表明,這個源的角徑約為1.5弧秒.Comparativel...