“常春藤”的英語可以翻譯為:[植] ivy,Chinese ivy,Hedera Helix,bindwood ...
這里四季常春.Spring is with us all the year round.他們在那兒看著窗外的常春藤蔓.There they looked out of the window at the ivy vine.但愿四季常春.I wish it were spring all the year round....
“常春”的英語可以翻譯為:[地名] [越南] Thuong Xuan ...
大樓的正面爬滿了常春藤。The front of the building was covered with ivy.爬滿常春藤的石墻stone walls covered in ivy常春藤爬滿了這些斷墻.Ivy covered the broken walls....
“常春藤”的拼音為:cháng chūn téng...