一些較老式的電話機仍然只收代幣。Some of the older telephones still only accept tokens.竊賊洗劫了辦公室,拿走了一口袋散幣.Thieves ransacked the office, taking a sack of loose change.我向付費電話的投幣孔里投了一枚25分硬幣。I dropped a quarter into the slot of the pay phone....
“錢幣”的英語可以翻譯為:coin ...
“銀幣”的英語可以翻譯為:silver coin,bolivar,silver ...
“鑄幣”的英語可以翻譯為:coin,mintage,coined money,specie,mint ...
外出度假時,在外幣取款機上使用銀行卡一定要小心。Holidaymakers should beware of using plastic cards in foreign cash dispensers.我在哪兒可以把美元兌換成外幣?Where can I exchange my American money for foreign money?你出國時帶多少外幣?How much foreign currency do you tak...
“代幣”的英語可以翻譯為:token ...
我把硬幣投入機器,拉動控制桿。I put the coin in the machine and pulled the lever.把硬幣放進投幣口,按鈕取票。Insert coins into the slot and press for a ticket.湯米已經(jīng)把硬幣咽了下去!Tommy had already swallowed them!...
這個劇本里的商人夏洛克借給安東尼奧3000塊金幣.According to that script, the merchant, Shylock, lent 3,000 ducats to Antonio.英國皇家造幣廠將鑄造一種紀念金幣.The Royal Mint will strike a gold coin of commemorative.幾枚金幣從地下挖了出來.Some gold coins were dug out fro...
“錢幣”的近義詞/同義詞:貨幣, 錢銀, 泉幣。...
“紙幣”的英語可以翻譯為:paper money,paper currency,note,banknotes,bank note ...
這部電話的操作方式相反,即先撥通號碼,然后投入錢幣。It worked contrariwise—first you dialled the number, then you put the money in.為避免爭執(zhí), 我和你來擲錢幣決定誰洗碗碟.To prevent any argument, I'll toss you for who does the washing - up.這些便士錢幣是倫敦一家制幣廠鑄造的.Th...
“銀幣飾”的英語可以翻譯為:ezant,besant,byzant ...
一些較老式的電話機仍然只收代幣。Some of the older telephones still only accept tokens.代幣曾一度是 “ 足價”貨幣的對立面.Token money could at one time be contrasted with'full bodied'money.我們將代幣投入這個孔,然后推這個十字轉(zhuǎn)門, 對 嗎 ?A: We put tokens in this sl...
“外幣”的英語可以翻譯為:foreign currency ...
一角銀幣是十分之一美元.A dime is a tenth of a dollar.我所有的錢是一張二十英鎊的鈔票和一枚一英鎊的銀幣.All I've got is a 20 pound note and about a pound in silver.這個紳士打量了他一下,伸手想摸塊1角的銀幣.The gentleman looked him over and fished for a dime....
“貨幣”的近義詞/同義詞:錢幣, 錢銀, 泉幣, 貨泉。...
這些硬幣的幣值不等.These coins are not equal value.幣值鞏固[堅挺].Currency value is firm.美元的幣值可能下降.The value of the dollar may fall....
英國于1971年開始使用十進制的1便士和2便士硬幣。In 1971, the 1p and 2p decimal coins were introduced in Britain.布賴恩把手插進口袋里,把幾枚硬幣撥弄得叮當作響。Brian put his hands in his pockets and jingled some change.我向付費電話的投幣孔里投了一枚25分硬幣。I dropped a quarter into t...
“銀幣”的拼音為:yín bì...
“圓幣飾”的英語可以翻譯為:ezant ...
他買了一些乘地鐵用的輔幣.He bought some tokens for the subway.面值十分的輔幣比五分面值的輔幣小, 雖然價值雙倍.The 10 - cent coin is smaller than the 5 - cent coin, although it is worth twice as much.你在入口處那兒把輔幣塞進投幣孔.You slip the token into the slot at the ...
“貨幣”的拼音為:huò bì...
鑄幣廠制造硬幣.The mint makes coins.多年后,以她的名義建造的寺廟被改造成了羅馬鑄幣廠。Many years later, the temple erected in her name was used to house the Roman mint.1965年,鑄幣廠停止向10分硬幣中加入銀的成分。In 1965 the mint stopped putting silver in dimes....
“貨幣”的英語可以翻譯為:money,currency,coin ...
外匯基金則享有鑄幣收益.Thus the fund enjoys the seigniorage of the currency notes.今年,歐洲央行從鑄幣稅中獲得的利益正變得越來越重要.The ECB's gains from seigniorage are becoming increasingly important this year.堀田: 英格蘭銀行發(fā)行的紙幣不是以金銀鑄幣作為依據(jù) 嗎 ?H : Weren&...
把硬幣放進投幣口,按鈕取票。Insert coins into the slot and press for a ticket.將硬幣放入投幣口.Put a coin in the slot.由于收費飆漲, 芝加哥人用膠水糊住咪表的投幣口以示憤怒.Enraged by higher rates , Chicagoans filled the meters'coin slots with glue....
“金幣”的英語可以翻譯為:species,gold,gold coin,yellow boy ...
你的零錢里有銅幣 嗎 ?Have you any coppers in your change?銀幣一再用銅幣維隆來替代,實行貶值.The silver coinage was repeatedly debased with copper vellon.超過十鎊的數(shù)目可以用銅幣作為法定貨幣來償付 嗎 ?Are copper coins legal tender for a sum in excess of 10 pounds?...