“打屁股”的拼音為:dǎ pì gu ...
他整晚都在放屁。He'd been farting all night.狐貍放屁以逃避獵狗.A fox breaks wind in order to escape from hunting dogs.你這完全是放屁.You are talking the greatest nonsense....
“屁股蛋”的拼音為:pì gu dàn...
“馬屁精”的英語可以翻譯為:subservient,sycophant,lickspittle,ear banger,kiss-ass ...
“屁股蛋”的英語可以翻譯為:[方] buttocks ...
打屁股是教育兒童守紀律的好方法 嗎 ?Is spanking a good way to discipline children?他好好地教訓(xùn)了那個小鬼一頓(打屁股).He gave the brat a good spanking.最后, 受過良好教育的男女們開始意識到了打屁股和性興奮之間的直接聯(lián)系.Finally, well - educated women and men became aware of a direct conn...
“放屁”的英語可以翻譯為: break wind,pass wind,let one,fart ...
兩個小毛孩在他們前面屁顛屁顛地跑開了。Two very small children scuttled away in front of them.他整晚都在放屁。He'd been farting all night.全是屁話!What complete and utter balls!...
“屁”的英語可以翻譯為:wind ,fart,hip,nonsense ...
我痛恨他拍馬屁的恭維.I hate his smarmy compliments.杰米很會拍馬屁.Jamie was adroit at flattering others.聽到他拍馬屁,我實在感到討厭.It turns my stomach to hear him flatter....
約翰是個馬 屁 精,不管老板說什么,他都贊同.John isan apple - polisher ------ he always agrees with whatever the boss says....
“拍馬屁”的拼音為:pāi mǎ pì...
“放屁”的拼音為:fàng pì ...
“屁股”的拼音為:pì gu...
“拍馬屁”的英語可以翻譯為:lick sb.'s shoes,fawn on,lick sb.'s boots,flatter ...
“屁股”的英語可以翻譯為: hip,buttocks,bottom,behind,arse...
“馬屁精”的拼音為:mǎ pì jīng...