刺棒趕牲畜用的尖頭棒.A goad, as for prodding cattle....
那支旗竿逐漸變細成尖頭.The flagpole tapered off to a point.上面的星星確實偏了一點,有些幾乎成了圓的,其余的有六個甚至七個尖頭,但效果還是很好.And she had embroidered half a dozen sofa - pillow cases with the Confederate flag on them.一支是尖頭金的, 另一支是鈍頭鉛的.The former was of gol...
“尖頭棒”的英語可以翻譯為:gad ...
“尖頭物”的英語可以翻譯為:peg ...
“尖頭的”的英語可以翻譯為:cuspidal,[醫(yī)] acrocephalic,acrocephalous,hamose,acrocephalia ...
她新買的皮鞋是尖頭的,款式很新穎.She bought a new type of leather shoes with pointed ends.上面一行的字體的書法原型是一種尖頭的書法鋼筆.The characters in the top line are constructed with a pointed pen ( calligraphic tool ).本實用新型涉及一種利用高分子材料制作的刷絲, 尤其是指一種尖頭的刷絲....
“尖頭”的拼音為:jiān tóu...
“漸尖頭”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)]acumen ...
“尖頭”的英語可以翻譯為:pointed end,sharp end,[醫(yī)] acrocephaly,oxycephaly,acumination ...
尖刺尖頭物, 如冰戳, 尖棒或荊棘.A pointed object, such as an ice pick, a goad, or a thorn....