他們生活在富饒的土地上.They lived on the produc - tive land.北部的山谷更富饒.The valleys to the north are more fruitful.比尼亞萊斯谷草木繁茂,土地富饒,是古巴最美的風(fēng)景勝地之一。The Valley of Vinales is a lush and fertile valley and one of Cuba's finest beauty sp...
“富饒的”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:abundant,fertile,rich ...
“富饒”的拼音為:fù ráo...
“富饒”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:ichly endowed,fertile,abundant,rich,be prolific of ...
他們生活在富饒的土地上.They lived on the produc - tive land.對(duì)自然界的深刻研究是數(shù)學(xué)最富饒的源泉.The profound study of nature is the most fertile source of mathematical discoveries.這是把一門(mén)富饒的語(yǔ)言放在了一片貧瘠的國(guó)土.A language of plenty for a land of scarcity....
“富饒”的反義詞:貧窮, 貧瘠, 貧乏, 貧困。...
“富饒”的近義詞/同義詞:豐饒, 富庶, 富有, 富裕, 富足, 充裕, 豐富, 充實(shí), 肥沃, 饒沃。...