
阿卡英語 / 查找:家的” [共找到18條結(jié)果]
  • “想家的”的英語?

  • “回家的”造句

    在開車回家的途中,他感到煩躁不安,很不高興。He felt restless and dissatisfied as he drove home.我回家的時候會再看看情形。I will reassess the situation when I get home.他買了往返票,并登上了下一趟回家的火車。He bought a return ticket and boarded the next train for home....
  • “回家的”用英語怎么說?

    “回家的”的英語可以翻譯為:homing,homebound ...
  • “無家的”的英語?

    “無家的”的英語可以翻譯為:homeless,houseless,roofless ...
  • “住家的”的英語?

    “住家的”的英語可以翻譯為:domiciliary ...
  • “皇家的”用英語怎么說?

    “皇家的”的英語可以翻譯為:egius,royal,[法] imperial ...
  • “國家的”的英語

    “國家的”的英語可以翻譯為:national,state ...
  • “住家的”造句

    他們聘用了一名住家的家庭教師.They engaged a resident tutor.首先, 確定您住家的信箱上面有鎖.First, make sure the mailbox at your home has a lock on it....
  • 家的”造句

    兩家的雙人客房都報出了大約90英鎊的超值價格。Both offer excellent value at around £90 for a double room.我們說話的時候,他們家的4個孩子在草地上玩?zhèn)仁址?。Their four children turn cartwheels in the grass as we talk.錢德勒家的這對雙胞胎也最終統(tǒng)一了意見。The Chandler twins were coming rou...
  • “行家的”造句

    他以經(jīng)濟學(xué)行家的眼光審視這個問題.He cast a professional economist's eyes on the problem.你在買股票前,最好聽聽行家的意見.You had better get professional advice before buying stocks.然后, 他端起酒杯, 帶著行家的表情品嘗了一下.Next, he carries a goblet, the expression ...
  • “想家的”造句

    現(xiàn)在我知道想家的時候該去哪兒了.Now I know where to go when I feel homesick.聽且記下他們想家的事.Listen and mark the things they miss from home.游客是那些剛抵達就想家的人, 特納.C - tourists are someone who thinks about going home the moment they arrive . Tunner...
  • “儒家的”造句

    摘要儒家的藝術(shù)觀在孫過庭的《書譜》里得到了比較完整的繼承.Book Charts , composed by Sun Guoting, fully inherited the Confucian arts idea.當(dāng)然, 中國文人很多容納了儒家的兼善精神.Jerry : Of course, Chinese literators also accept the positive attitude of Confucianism.摘要《...
  • “儒家的”用英語怎么說

    “儒家的”的英語可以翻譯為:Confucian ...
  • “搬家的”造句

    咱們考慮一下搬家的利弊吧.Let's consider the pluses and minuses of moving house.他是來幫我們搬家的.He came to help us move.大部分家具在搬家的時候都留給了鄰居或送了朋友。In the move most of the furniture was left to the neighbours or distributed among friends....
  • “無家的”造句

    這位法官允許布朗夫婦收養(yǎng)這個無家的孤兒.The judge permitted the Browns to adopt the homeless orphan.她對那些無家的小孩像姊妹.She has been a sister to those homeless children....
  • “皇家的”造句

    法國外籍兵團是按照皇家的一項法令建立的, 這項法令記錄在一小頁法國陸軍部公函信箋上, 日期是1931年3月9日.The French Foreign Legion was founded by a Royal Ordinance, written on a small piece of official Prench War Office notepaper dated March 9 th, 1931.人們問道,這一婚事是否會影響英國...
  • “國家的”造句

    除此之外, 向亞洲國家的資本凈流入為1140億美元.In addition, they had a net capital inflow of $ 114 bn.目前,亞洲國家的外匯儲備為3.3萬億美元, 中東地區(qū)的國家投資基金可能達2萬億美元.Asian reserves are now $ 3 , 300 bn, while state - run funds the Middle East may be $ 2, 000 bn.2...
  • “專家的”造句

    他強烈批評那些無視莎士比亞的自詡為教育專家的人。He fiercely criticised self-styled educational experts for ignoring Shakespeare.好消息是現(xiàn)在可以獲得專家的幫助。The good news is that expert help is now available.專家的意見未被重視。The advice of experts went unheeded....