我是個孤兒,差不多是靠自己長大的。I'm an orphan and pretty much grew up on my own.他是個孤兒,和他叔叔一起生活。He was an orphan and lived with his uncle.當他的父母在事故中喪生之后, 他便成了孤兒.When his parents were killed in an accident, he became an orphan....
這些孤兒的叔父成為他們的監(jiān)護人.Their uncle was declared guardian to the orphans.目的本研究考查孤兒的心理健康狀況.Objective To understand the mental health status of the o rp hans.我們從羅馬尼亞獲得了對一名孤兒的撫養(yǎng)權.We are taking an orphan from Romania ; I'll tak...
“孤兒”的拼音為:gū ér...
“孤兒的”的英語可以翻譯為:orphan ...