我就娶妻生子﹐住下來了.I got a wife and son and settled down.娶妻求淑女,勿計厚奩.Better a portion in a wife than with a wife.foritspaint.由于面貌美麗而娶妻,猶如油漆漂亮而買屋.To marry a woman for her beauty is like buying a house....
“夫或妻”的英語可以翻譯為:[法] consort ...
現(xiàn)在夫妻雙方分別按各自的收入納稅。Husband and wife are now taxed separately on their incomes.笑咧咧的夫妻把東西裝上他們的紅色跑車后疾馳而去。The giggling couple loaded up their red sports car and drove off.夫妻能和睦相處就是一種成就。To live together harmoniously as men and ...
我母親大談為妻之道。My mother waxed eloquent on the theme of wifely duty.明仁天皇在1959年打破皇室傳統(tǒng),娶了一位平民女子為妻。In 1959, Akihito broke with imperial tradition by marrying a commoner.哦,天哪!他們有時看起來真像一對老夫老妻。Well, honestly! They're like an o...
“娶妻”的英語可以翻譯為:wive ...
“夫妻”的近義詞/同義詞:伉儷, 佳偶, 鴛侶, 夫婦, 配偶。...
他有10萬美元的人壽保險,如果他先去世, 他的妻子將得到這筆錢.He has $ 100, 000 life insurance, which his wife will receive if he dies first.他每年給妻子$100美元購買衣服.He allows his wife $ 100 a year for clothes.他和妻子一年的總收入超過25萬美元.He and hiswife earned a combin...
“牧師妻”的英語可以翻譯為:clergywoman ...
“夫妻”的拼音為:fū qī...
“未婚妻”的英語可以翻譯為:fiancee,[法] fianc'ee,intended wife,young lady ...
“娶妻”的近義詞/同義詞:授室, 立室, 受室, 結(jié)婚, 成家。...
那位傷者的未婚妻后來死在醫(yī)院.The fianc é e of the injured man died later in hospital.他的未婚妻為他織了一件套頭毛衣.His fiancee knitted him a pullover.他的未婚妻是個有前途的青年舞蹈家.His fiancee is a promissing young terpsichorean....
“夫妻”的英語可以翻譯為:man and wife,consort,husband and wife,spouse ...
“妻子”的拼音為:qī zi...