“好人”的英語可以翻譯為:good [nice] person,a healthy person,a person who tries to get along with everyone,a good egg,a good sort...
“好人”的拼音為:hǎo rén...
“大好人”的英語可以翻譯為:ig good [fine] person,[美俚] prince ...
大家都對他評價不錯,他似乎是個好人。He seemed to be a good man, well thought of by all.“他們都不是好人.”——“說具體點.”"None of them are very nice folks." — "Tell me more."據(jù)我所知,賈森算得上是個好人。As far as I can tell, Jason is basically a nice guy....
“好人”的反義詞:壞人, 壞蛋, 惡人, 奸人, 歹人。...
“大好人”的拼音為:dà hǎo rén...
萬分感謝,你真是個大好人。Thank you a thousand times, you're an angel.他真是個大好人,我欠他太多了。He's been fantastic. I owe him a lot.她覺得他是個大好人。She thought he was a very nice chap....