“奧秘”的英語可以翻譯為:profound mystery,secret,arcanum ...
“奧秘”的近義詞/同義詞:秘密, 機密, 神秘, 奧妙, 奇妙, 奇奧, 玄妙, 微妙。...
這是本世紀尚未解開的大奧秘之一。It is one of the great unsolved mysteries of this century.她畢生探索人類心靈的奧秘。She spent her life plumbing the mysteries of the human psyche.他對計算機的奧秘尚未入門.He has not yet been thoroughly initiated into the mysterie...
是人類世代繁衍的隱喻; 也是數學奧秘的游戲呈現.Generations of human reproduction is the metaphor, The game is mathematical mystery.它是數學奧秘的游戲呈現.It is the mathematical mystery of the game show.以及所有科學法則無法分析的奧秘的根基!And all mysteries which cannot be...
“奧秘的”的英語可以翻譯為:esoteric,mystic,mystical ...
“奧秘”的拼音為:ào mì...