“鋪地板”的英語可以翻譯為:floor boarding,flooring ...
“地板”的英語可以翻譯為:floor board,floor,hatchway ...
他正拿著一塊布,布上粉紅色的水滴落在地板上。He was holding a cloth that dripped pink drops upon the floor.鮑勃從椅子上滑下來,趴在了地板上。Bob slid from his chair and lay prone on the floor.地板上的沙子在我們腳下嘎吱作響。The sand on the floor scrunched under our feet....
他給房間鋪地板.He floored the room.一端被嵌入墻內(nèi), 如鋪地板的木料或橫梁.Architecture To be inserted at one end into a wall, as floor timber or beam.用竹子膠版做家具,天然漆布鋪地板.Bamboo plywood was used for the cabinetry and natural linoleum was used for the...
“地板”的拼音為:dì bǎn...