“器具”的英語可以翻譯為:utensil,implement,appliance,apparatus,instrument ...
他那天整個下午都在擦拭銀器具.He spent all of that afternoon polishing the silver.這個器具被用來為母牛實施人工授精。The gadget is used to artificially inseminate cows.不要過多地使用電熱器具弄頭發(fā)。Don't overuse heated appliances on you hair....
牙科醫(yī)生給他的器具消毒.A dentist sterilises his instruments.這位醫(yī)生的器具是消過毒的.The doctor kept his instruments sterile.他善于使用他的器具.He is apt with his instrument....
開瓶器是廚用小器具.A bottle opener is a kitchen gadget.他喜歡摸弄壞掉的小器具.He likes to tinker ( away ) at broken gadgets.這個方便的小器具可以削蘋果皮又把果心切出來.This handy gadgets peels an apple and also cuts out the core....
不要建造建筑或器具或挖田 、 壕溝.Do not build structures, furniture, or dig trenches.毛毯、家具、管道或器具都蕩然無存.Knowing that only days ago this had been someone's home pained my heart.結果, 幾乎所有的產品或器具都帶有某種警告標識.As a result, almost every produc...
“器具”的拼音為:qì jù...
“小器具”的英語可以翻譯為:gadget,widget ...