“嘈雜”的近義詞/同義詞:喧鬧, 喧囂, 喧華, 吵鬧, 嘈吵, 熱鬧, 鼓噪, 嚷鬧。...
“嘈雜”的反義詞:安靜, 清靜, 肅靜, 寧靜。...
在黑暗和嘈雜的聲音中,嬰兒飽受驚嚇。The baby was filled with alarm at the darkness and the noise.他們被一陣嘈雜的敲門聲吵醒。They were wakened by a loud knocking at the door.行李大廳擁擠嘈雜。The baggage hall was crowded and noisy....
“嘈雜的”的英語可以翻譯為:noisy ...
在黑暗和嘈雜的聲音中,嬰兒飽受驚嚇。The baby was filled with alarm at the darkness and the noise.他們被一陣嘈雜的敲門聲吵醒。They were wakened by a loud knocking at the door.來往車輛嘈雜的聲浪使人頭痛.The clamour of the heavy traffic gave you a headache....
“嘈雜”的拼音為:cáo zá...
“嘈雜聲”的英語可以翻譯為:noise,glouglou (多指胃腸道內(nèi)),brouhaha ...
“嘈雜聲”的拼音為:cáo zá shēng...
那位老師聽任教室內(nèi)有過分的嘈雜聲.The teacher allows too much noise in the classroom.他們能聽到擁擠的酒吧傳出來的嘈雜聲.They could hear a loud babble of voices coming from the crowded bar.他們身后響起一片嘈雜聲,也許還有槍擊聲,但他不能確定。Behind them was a confusion of noise, p...