為了壓過音樂聲,他幾乎得大聲喊才能讓人聽見。He almost had to shout to make himself heard above the music.尼克大聲喊她來取餐。Nick hollered for her to pick up her orders.“再見,”杰夫大聲喊。"See you," Geoff sang out....
“叫喊”的近義詞/同義詞:叫喚, 叫嚷, 吆喝, 嘩鬧, 嘈吵, 喧斗, 爭吵, 鼓噪, 呼噪, 叫囂, 喧囂, 喧嚷, 吵鬧, 吶喊, 大喊, 大叫。...
“吶喊”的英語可以翻譯為:shout loudy,cry out,yell,loud shouts in support,battle cry...
“吶喊”的近義詞/同義詞:呼吁, 叫囂, 叫嚷, 吵鬧, 吆喝, 叫喊, 大呼, 大叫, 大喊, 高歌, 高唱。...
“呼喊”的拼音為:hū hǎn...
他常常做噩夢,并且在夢里喊出聲來。Often he would have bad dreams and cry out in his sleep.我大聲喊出名字。I hollered out the names.他們大聲喊出了被羈押人的名字。They shouted out the names of those detained....
我聽到戴維高聲喊叫著要他們回來。I heard David yelling and telling them to get back.他們譏諷著,喊叫著,打破了慣常的那一分鐘沉默。They interrupted the customary one minute's silence with jeers and shouts.為了一睹英雄的風采,人群喊叫著,推搡著。Crowds shouted and pushed to ge...
“叫喊”的拼音為:jiào hǎn...
“大喊”的英語可以翻譯為:call out,bawl,yell,shout,exclaim...
“叫喊聲”的英語可以翻譯為:yelp,a hue and cry,yawp ...
我們不停地拍門、叫喊,他們才開了門。We had to hammer and shout before they would open up.劇烈的疼痛常常讓她想大聲叫喊。The pain is often so bad she wants to scream.索爾特欣喜地叫喊著。Salter shouted with joy....
他雙手攏在嘴邊,大聲呼喊黛安娜。He cupped his hands around his mouth and called out for Diane.他沖進一幢房子呼喊求救。He forced his way into a house shouting for help.路過的人聽到了他求救的呼喊。Passers-by heard his cries for help....
外面的叫喊聲越來越大。The shouting outside grew louder.裁判對要求判罰點球的叫喊聲不予理睬。The referee ignored voices baying for a penalty.傷員發(fā)出一陣痛苦的叫喊聲.The wounded man let out a cry of pain....
鄙人被一聲大喊驚醒:“喂!”Yours truly was awoken by a shout: "Ahoy there!"“斯蒂芬!”馬西婭放聲大喊。"Stephen!" shouted Marcia at the top of her voice.他沖他們大喊,叫他們小心啞雷。He called out to them to watch out for the unexploded mine....
“吶喊”的拼音為:nà hǎn...
他們向她高聲喊她快出來爬到樹上去.They cried to her to go out quickly and climb up into trees.這時,站臺上的人高聲喊著火車要開了,于是他們上了車.Now the crier called the train ready and they got on.他聽到有人高聲喊他,便迅速轉(zhuǎn)過身來.He quickly turned around when he heard someone...
“吶喊聲”的英語可以翻譯為:hubbub,slogan ...
“喊叫”的英語可以翻譯為:shout,cry out,yip,halloa,vociferate ...
“呼喊”的近義詞/同義詞:呼喚, 召喚。...
那個男的隔著河喊他的朋友, 他的朋友也回喊.The man called from the other side of the river, and his friend called back.他們從河對岸喊話過來, 他們的朋友也回喊過去.They called from the other side of the river, and their friend called back....
呼喊聲在我們的耳邊回響.The shouts resounded in our ears.場賽終止,只是呼喊聲不絕.It's all over bar [ but ] the shouting.都結束了, 只是呼喊聲不絕.It's all over, but the shouting....
“大聲喊”的英語可以翻譯為:urst out ...
前面?zhèn)鱽砹艘魂嚱泻暗穆曇?From somewhere ahead there came a din of shouting voices.市民判斷他們賣的什么貨色,并不是根據(jù)他們叫喊的詞兒,而是聽他們的調(diào)調(diào)兒.People know the wares they deal in rather by their tunes than by their words.卻不知, 那叫喊的人才是真正的侵略者.Never mind , that ...
“喊叫聲”的英語可以翻譯為:yaup ...
她喊她的小兒子:“喂,斯蒂芬,過來看看這個!”She called her young son: "Here, Stephen, come and look at this!"一旦你偏離了劇本的內(nèi)容,他們就會喊停。They stopped you as soon as you deviated from the script.他聽見人們在四周喊著他的名字。All around he could hear people calling o...
“喊叫”的拼音為:hǎn jiào...