“吟唱”的英語可以翻譯為:chant,sing,[德] sprechstimme,intonate ...
“獨唱”的拼音為:dú chàng...
舉行流行音樂演唱會to do a gig該樂隊舉行了13場全國巡回演唱會,其中包括在紐約的一站。The group made a 13-concert cross-country tour, including a stop in New York.他在他的酒店舉行了一場歷時3個鐘頭的家庭卡拉OK演唱會,其間高歌了辛納屈和甲殼蟲樂隊的一些熱門歌曲。He held a three-hour family Karaoke session i...
他們決定在市長生日那天詠唱貝多芬的第九交響曲.They decided to chant Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 on the mayor's birthday.按F鍵以顯示她的快速詠唱窗口.Press the F key to display her Quick Cast window.朋友能聆聽到我的心曲,在我記憶褪色時為我詠唱.A friend hears the song in ...
她的嗓音非常好,現(xiàn)在的唱功比以往任何時候都要好。She's got a great voice and is singing better than ever.他聲音很一般,但唱得都在調(diào)子上。It was just an ordinary voice, but he sang in tune.就像歌里唱的那樣,兩者密不可分,不能只取其一。You can't have one without the other, as...
“獨唱”的反義詞:合唱, 齊唱。...
這是世界上最流行的清唱劇。It's the world's most popular oratorio.今年圣誕節(jié)早上, 世界各地的廣播電臺都會播放《圣誕節(jié)清唱劇》.This Christmas morning, radios around the world will play the Christmas Oratorio.他的清唱劇《長恨歌》在藝術上堪稱《海韻》的妹妹篇.His The Long Regret i...
“電唱機”的拼音為:diàn chàng jī...
“歌唱家”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)]Singer,singer ...
“唱段”的英語可以翻譯為:aria ...
冷颼颼的風吹動著他周邊的矮樹叢,沙沙聲剛好蓋過了吟唱的聲音。The cold breeze moved through the bushes around him, whispering just loud enough to obscure the chanting.她用圣詩領唱者的嗓音吟唱贊美詩和祈禱詞.She chanted hymns and prayers with the voice of a cantor.在細雨霏霏的清晨...
她是校合唱隊的成員。She sings in the school choir.合唱隊的座位高于樂隊席.The chorus was seated above the orchestra.只能當個 合唱隊 隊員.Just another chorus girl -- that's all . "...
“合唱團”的拼音為:hé chàng tuán...
合唱團在唱《歡樂頌》。The chorus was singing "The Ode to Joy".合唱團以極大的熱情唱出了歌詞.The choir sang the words out with great vigor.合唱團在唱《歡樂頌》。The chorus was singing 'The Ode to Joy'....
他收錄自世界各地的合唱音樂集取名為《聲音》。His collection of choral music from around the world is called "Voices".圍在鋼琴邊來個合唱怎么樣?How about a nice sing-along around the piano?他們合唱時嗓音非常和諧.Their voices blend marvellously as they sing in chorus....
“獨唱會”的英語可以翻譯為:ecital ...
高音部,主奏樂器:在音調(diào)上最高的聲音或樂器,或演唱或演奏主要部分.Music The voice or instrument highest in pitch or carrying the principal part....
“唱歌”的英語可以翻譯為:sing (a song),sing...
“演唱會”的英語可以翻譯為:vocal concert ...
在這個樂隊新出的唱片中,領唱的是誰?Who was on / sang lead vocal ( s ) on the group's last record?這樣,會吏長和圣詩班領唱人便起身告辭.So the archdeacon and the precentor took their departure.帕爾丹領唱, 別的人都參加唱了起來.Paldan sang the lead, the rest joined in ...
“合唱”的英語可以翻譯為:chorus,tutti ...
守衛(wèi)停止了哼唱,猛地轉(zhuǎn)過頭。The guard stopped his humming and turned his head sharply.那天晚上晚些時候,劉易斯開始哼唱另一首斯普林斯汀的歌曲。Later in the evening, Lewis began to croon another Springsteen song.她輕聲哼唱了一支搖籃曲。She gently crooned a lullaby....
“演唱”的拼音為:yǎn chàng...
唱歌的四個聲部是女高音 、 女低音 、 男高音和男低音.The four parts in singing are soprano, alto, tenor and bass.她唱歌的嗓音很自然.She sings with a natural voice.如果我來面試歌手的話,請允許我這樣說,他不會進入我的樂團來唱歌的。If I was auditioning for a vocalist, let me put it this wa...
“合唱”的拼音為:hé chàng...
迎接他的是大家齊唱《祝你生日快樂》,令他非常感動。He was greeted with a rousing chorus of Happy Birthday.唱到副歌時,大家都跟著齊唱起來。Everyone joined in the chorus.歌詞的最后部分要齊唱.The last verse will be sung in unison....
合唱團以極大的熱情唱出了歌詞.The choir sang the words out with great vigor.這個男低音獨唱演員這次唱出了高水平.The bass soloist was in excellent voice.蟬兒唱出炎熱季節(jié)的歡歌.The locust shrills his song of heat....
喝下午茶的時候,維多利亞與其夫君艾伯特親王表演了二重唱。At tea-time, Victoria sang duets with her Consort, Prince Albert.我和某人唱二重唱.I sing with someone in duet.在卡拉ok廳唱二重唱.I sang a duet at a Karaoke bar....
獨唱會的票都賣完了.Tickets are sold out for the recital {.那個獨唱(會)使聽眾非常感動.The recital impressed the audience very much....