“合唱團”的拼音為:hé chàng tuán...
她是校合唱隊的成員。She sings in the school choir.合唱隊的座位高于樂隊席.The chorus was seated above the orchestra.只能當個 合唱隊 隊員.Just another chorus girl -- that's all . "...
合唱團在唱《歡樂頌》。The chorus was singing "The Ode to Joy".合唱團以極大的熱情唱出了歌詞.The choir sang the words out with great vigor.合唱團在唱《歡樂頌》。The chorus was singing 'The Ode to Joy'....
他收錄自世界各地的合唱音樂集取名為《聲音》。His collection of choral music from around the world is called "Voices".圍在鋼琴邊來個合唱怎么樣?How about a nice sing-along around the piano?他們合唱時嗓音非常和諧.Their voices blend marvellously as they sing in chorus....
“合唱”的英語可以翻譯為:chorus,tutti ...
“合唱”的拼音為:hé chàng...
那位音樂家把這個老曲子配上和音使其成為合唱曲.The musician harmonized the old song for part singing.這些歌唱家已為這些新歌配上和音使其成為合唱曲.The singers began to harmonize the new songs.這是最好的合唱曲.This is choral music of the first water....
“合唱地”的英語可以翻譯為:chorally ...
“合唱曲”的英語可以翻譯為:ensemble,part-song ...
這支歌改編已成大合唱.The music of the song has been rearranged for the cantata.該合唱隊演唱了他們領隊編寫的大合唱.The choral society sang the new cantata composed by its leader.甚至我們有些大供應商也參加了那個聲調(diào)低沉的大合唱.Even some of our major suppliers joined in th...
有幾處是要合唱的.There were several parts to be sung in consort.有一首由所有人合唱的很受歡迎的蘇格蘭歌曲叫做“美好的昔日”.Black - eyed peas, which are eaten immediately after midnight, are a favorite food.和數(shù)小時前,上千人和我合唱的情景大不相同!What a a few hours ago when th...
“大合唱”的英語可以翻譯為:cantata,chorus ...
“合唱的”的英語可以翻譯為:choric,four-part ...
“大合唱”的拼音為:dà hé chàng...
“合唱團”的英語可以翻譯為:chorus,glee club ...