小腸腸套疊需做腸切除術.Small bowel intussuception may require resection.于是,研究人員繼續(xù)探究疫苗接種與腸套疊的關系.Researchers continued to study the link between vaccination and intussusception.剖腹探杳發(fā)現長段回腸-回腸-結腸型腸套疊,且腸套疊內層中有回腸腫瘤.At laparotomy, ileoile...
“一疊”的英語可以翻譯為:a stack of...
“疊影”的英語可以翻譯為:[訊] foldover,ghost image (亦稱“重像”) ...
他們齊聲合唱疊句.They all sang the refrain.多采用疊詞 、 疊句和特定的語言.Devices commonly used in ballads are the refrain, incremental repetition, and code language....
在宴會大廳中可折疊的隔板很普遍.In banquet halls folding partitions are very popular.T -20是特里米瑞斯公司生產的化合物.它能阻止分子最終結構折疊的發(fā)生.Trimeris'compound , called T - 20 , blocks the final structural contortions from taking place.在軍營中被子通常是這樣折疊的.I...
“反疊加”的英語可以翻譯為:desuperposition ...
使用基本元素和spt疊合的指令整合在工作平面和串流線里面!The Feature - Based and SPT alignment commands offer an improved workflow and streamlined interface....
疊接: 用黏結劑把卷筒紙斜斜的黏接的情況.Splice: Crosswise joint in a web of paper, secured with adhesive....
“堆疊”的拼音為:duī dié...
“腸套疊”的英語可以翻譯為:intestinal intussusception,intussusception,indigitation ...
毛氈的上層應與下層重疊。The upper layer of felt should overlap the lower.夾克和褲子重疊的部分不好看.The overlap between the jacket and the trousers is not good.他的訪問期與我的訪問期有幾天重疊.His visit and mine overlapped....
“疊層”的拼音為:dié céng...
夾克和褲子重疊的部分不好看.The overlap between the jacket and the trousers is not good.這兩門課程之間不存在重疊的問題。There is no overlapping question between the two courses.穿過地理梯度, 萊文斯預料有分布區(qū)不重疊的小種或近群種.Across geographic gradients, Levins expects a...
旋轉對焦圈直至疊影變清晰為止.Turn the focus ring until the double image becomes a single image.從一、傳記的疊影.The following four angles draw four conclusions....
服務員筆直站立著,餐巾折疊著放在他們的手臂上。The waiters stood to attention with napkins folded over their arms.她將其折疊起來,塞進了錢包里。She folded it up, and tucked it into her purse.我看見了3張折疊床,其中兩張已有人占了。I saw three camp beds, two of which were occupie...
“疊蓋”的英語可以翻譯為:imbrication ...
“疊氮鹽”的英語可以翻譯為:kazoe,Azide (除草劑) ...
“疊句”的英語可以翻譯為:[語] reiterative sentence,refrain ...
處于液態(tài)的疊氮酸是很危險的.Hydrazoic acid in liquid form is very dangerous.結果表明添加疊氮酸酯是一種提高硝胺改性雙基推進劑燃速與能量的切實可行途徑.The results show that PDADN can increase burning rate and energy of nitramine modified propellant....
“疊層”的英語可以翻譯為:[電] laminate,[地質] callenia,stromatolite,lamination ...
“疊板”的英語可以翻譯為:lamination ...
“疊句”的拼音為:dié jù...
這釣竿可疊縮進竿柄.The fishing rod telescopes into its handle.能疊縮成圓盤的野營水桶.A camp Bucket that telescopes into a disk....
“折疊刀”的英語可以翻譯為:jackknife ...
“折疊機”的英語可以翻譯為:doubler,folding machine,folding press,doubling machine ...
“堆疊”的英語可以翻譯為:pile (sth.) one above [on] another,pile sth. on one another,pile up,heap up,pile ...
“疊板”的拼音為:dié bǎn...
屋瓦相互疊蓋.Tiles overlap each other.從前額切下一塊皮來, 疊蓋在毀損了的鼻子上.A flap of skin was cut from the forehead, and folded over the damaged nose.把石板瓦安放在屋頂上,使之相互疊蓋.Put the slats on the roof so that they lap over....
悲劇開始相互交疊。The tragedies begin to interlock.魚鱗一片片上下交疊。A fish's scales overlap each other.袋子平整折起后,底面與一側交疊。When the bag is folded flat, the bag bottom overlaps one side of the bag....