使叮當(dāng)響使發(fā)出叮當(dāng)或丁零的金屬碰撞的聲音.To cause to make a tinkling or ringing metallic sound.發(fā)出打擊聲敲擊使發(fā)出砰砰響亮聲.To strike so as to produce a loud, reverberant noise.他把手插進(jìn)一捆松散的紙張中,一把抓住而使發(fā)出窸窣之聲.He thrust his hand between a sheaf of loosened pa...
“發(fā)出”的英語可以翻譯為:issue,send out,give out,deliver,emit ...
在1,000英尺的高度飛行時(shí),他聽到旋翼發(fā)出一種奇怪的噪音。Flying at 1,000 ft. he heard a peculiar noise from the rotors.臥室門上發(fā)出一聲沉重的撞擊聲。There was a heavy thudding noise against the bedroom door.圍欄倒下時(shí)發(fā)出了斷裂的聲音。There was a splintering sound as the rail...
熱從爐火里散發(fā)出.Heat radiated from the fire.隨著氣體的擠入, 氣體的溫度升高并散發(fā)出 X 射線.As it is squeezed, the gas heats up and radiates X - rays.亦讓我們散發(fā)出,非同尋常的光芒.Therefore, let us extraordinary emitting light....
“散發(fā)出”的英語可以翻譯為:throw off ...
“發(fā)出”的拼音為:fā chū...
“使發(fā)出”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)]elicit ...
所有的恒星都會發(fā)出光和熱.All the stars send out light and heat.這樣的天體本身也可能發(fā)出光, 但是它的重力最后還是會把光吸引回去.Light itself could leave from such an object, but gravity would eventually pull it back again.脈沖星是一種能夠發(fā)出光脈沖的天體.A pulsar is a celestial o...