“占卜”的拼音為:zhān bǔ...
“占卜師”的英語可以翻譯為:augur ...
在紐約135號街區(qū)周圍的黑人區(qū), 占卜師和巫醫(yī)泛濫成災.The Negro quarter around 135 th Street, New York, was overrun with fortune tellers and witch doctors....
經(jīng)濟指標的分析,象征著預測者用以占卜的 “ 水晶球 ”.Analyses of economic indicators represent the forecaster's " crystal ball ".許多人認為《周易》一部占卜的書,算命有關,涉嫌“迷信”.Still others believe it is a superstitious book augury.12又必除掉你手中的邪術.你那里也不再有占卜的.I wi...
“占卜的”的英語可以翻譯為:auspicial ...
危地馬拉人算命時眼睛盯著占卜者的左腿: 如果右腿的肌肉顫動, 那就表示前途光明.People in Guatemala watched their soothsayer's leg; if the leg muscles twitched, the future looked bright.你可以在占卜者那里讀到它, 也同樣在你宗教的基督圣經(jīng)里.You can read that in Nostradamus, and als...
“占卜”的英語可以翻譯為:practise divination,divine,augury,auspice,divination ...
“占卜者”的英語可以翻譯為:prognosticator,soothsayer,[法] fortune-teller,Nostradamus,diviner ...
“占卜術”的英語可以翻譯為:armomancy,augury ...
他說用占卜杖探測水源完全是胡說八道。He said that dowsing for water is complete nonsense.經(jīng)濟指標的分析,象征著預測者用以占卜的 “ 水晶球 ”.Analyses of economic indicators represent the forecaster's " crystal ball ".在紐約135號街區(qū)周圍的黑人區(qū), 占卜師和巫醫(yī)泛濫成災.The Negro qua...