攜帶者估計可能十倍于這個數(shù)目, 約是25%.The carrier rate is probably ten times that figure, or 25 %.我留下這只十倍于房錢飯錢的夾針作抵押品.I leave behind e as a pledge this pin, worth ten times the amount.高新技術企業(yè)的成功率只有20%-30%,但一旦成功,其回報將數(shù)十倍于投資.There is 20 % -...
“十倍于”的英語可以翻譯為:decuple ...
“十倍的”的英語可以翻譯為:tenfold ...
“十倍”的拼音為:shí bèi...
在過去一百二十年中,人口已膨脹了十倍.In the past 120 years the population has increased tenfold.賣黃牛票的把音樂會的票以原價的十倍賣出.Scalpers sold tickets to the concert for ten times the original price.北京有我家鄉(xiāng)十倍大.Beijing is ten times as big as my home tow...
“十倍”的英語可以翻譯為:tenfold,deca-,decuple ...
全都裝備有二十倍的望遠鏡.All were equipped with 20 - power scopes.尤其是在輻射三的開放性還要大十倍的情況下.You can create new weapons from scratch by scavenging for parts.我這次可是拿了比平時多十倍的精神和姐姐“戰(zhàn)斗”.I put in ten times more than effort tomy sister, and the ...