大學神圣的大門緩慢又勉強地向女性敞開。The hallowed portals of academe were slowly and grudgingly opening to women.他勉強地對她的組織才能表示尊重.He felt a grudging respect for her talents as an organizer.老人勉強地喘息著說出了幾句話.The old man managed to wheeze out a...
“勉強”的拼音為:miǎn qiǎng ...
他勉強能看到柜臺后面的小個子男人。He could just about see the little man behind the counter.他贏了,但是贏得十分勉強。He won, but only by the skin of his teeth.他靠用貨車賣薄餅勉強度日。He made a living of sorts selling pancakes from a van....
“勉強”的反義詞:自愿, 自然, 情愿, 樂意。...
“勉強”的英語可以翻譯為: manage with an effort,do with difficulty,reluctantly,grudgingly,after a fashion ...
“勉強”的近義詞/同義詞:委曲, 牽強, 牽強, 造作, 做作, 曲折, 委屈, 冤枉, 原委, 委曲。...
他還可以勉強做一點.He can do it after some fashion....
“勉強地”的英語可以翻譯為:constrainedly,with a bad grace,limpingly,limply,narrowly ...