管弦樂隊在芭蕾舞開始之前演奏了一段很短的前奏曲.The orchestra played a short prelude before the ballet began.那是莫扎特的《唐.吉奧瓦尼》的前奏曲.That's the overture to Mozart's Don Giovanni.前奏曲一拉響, 大家就安靜下來了.When the prelude began, everybody became qui...
“前奏”的拼音為:qián zòu...
“前奏”的英語可以翻譯為:prelude ...
婚禮的前奏非常有意思。The lead-up to the wedding was extremely interesting.這些討論是簽訂該條約的前奏.The discussions were a prelude to the treaty.錯誤往往是正確的先導, 驕傲是跌跤的前奏.Error is often the precursor of what is correct, but conceit is the prelude ...
“前奏曲”的英語可以翻譯為:prelude ...