“出路”的英語可以翻譯為:way out,outlet,(銷售貨物的去處) outlet,(出口) egress,escape hatch ...
“出路”的反義詞:絕路, 死路, 末路。...
“出路”的近義詞/同義詞:前程, 前途。...
我們總是不得不自謀出路。We are constantly thrown back on our own resources.她陷入困境,找不到出路。She was in a mess and could see no way out.黑暗中他們難以辨認出路在哪里.They could hardly make out where the road was in the darkness....
河道淤塞, 水無出路.The riverbed is silted up , so there's no outlet for the floodwater.人不可能永無出路.Man cannot remain with no way out....
“出路”的拼音為:chū lù ...