“兇惡”的反義詞:慈祥, 仁慈, 善良, 平和, 和氣, 和善, 和藹。...
他們結(jié)婚不久湯姆便露出了他的兇惡本性.Shortly after they became man and wife Tom began to show the cloven foot.天生的黑皮膚, 憂郁使他看上去有點兇惡.Naturally dark of skin, gloom made him look slightly sinister.一邊是爐子里的熊熊烈火, 一邊是布拉西那對兇惡的眼睛.There were the flam...
“兇惡”的近義詞/同義詞:兇險, 惡毒, 陰險, 陰惡, 陰毒, 暴虐, 狠毒, 兇暴, 兇狠, 兇橫, 殘酷, 殘忍, 殘暴, 蠻橫, 橫暴, 強(qiáng)暴, 粗魯, 粗獷, 野蠻, 粗暴, 猙獰, 潑辣, 兇殘, 獰惡, 狂暴, 犀利, 兇猛, 厲害。...
“兇惡”的英語可以翻譯為:fierce,ferocious,fiendish,malevolence,atrocity ...
“兇惡”的拼音為:xiōng è...
“兇惡的”的英語可以翻譯為:atrocious,felonious,flagitious,hellish,ferocious ...
一邊是爐子里的熊熊烈火, 一邊是布拉西那對兇惡的眼睛.There were the flames, there were Brasi's eyes.莫利想到了兇惡的妖怪.Molly thought about the cruel giant.看來溫順的母牛也可能變成兇惡的公牛.It'seems that peaceful cows may be unfriendly bulls....
阿西妮的馬兇惡地、嚇人地、一動不動地立在廟墻旁邊.Athene's horse stood grim and gaunt and motionless beside the temple wall.你少管閑事!店老板叫著, 兇惡地看他一眼.You mind your own business, shouted the landlord, turning savagely on him.他陰沉[兇惡]地注視著我.He looke...