“凄慘”的拼音為:qī cǎn...
我們目睹了一家人正在收拾家當(dāng)準(zhǔn)備離開的凄慘景象。We encountered the pathetic sight of a family packing up its home.那則報(bào)道把那里的生活描繪得很凄慘。The report paints a grim picture of life there.他又發(fā)出一聲凄慘的嗚咽。He made another pathetic whimpering sound....
“凄慘”的反義詞:愉快, 幸福。...
他又發(fā)出一聲凄慘的嗚咽。He made another pathetic whimpering sound.多么凄慘的景象!What a sad scene!我的生日是家里全年最凄慘的一天.My birthday was the melancholy day at home, in the whole year....
“凄慘的”的英語可以翻譯為:deplorable,miserable,tragic,wretched ...
“凄慘”的英語可以翻譯為:sad,wretched,miserable,tragic ...
他絞著自己的雙手, 而柯帕烏卻凄慘地?fù)u著手.He wrung his hands, and Cowperwood shook his head sadly.她雙手捏得緊緊的,無限凄慘地?fù)u搖頭.She clinched her hands and shook her head bleakly.勃克·穆利根凄慘地嘆了口氣,把手搭在斯蒂芬的胳膊上.Buck Mulligan sighed tragically and laid his han...
“凄慘”的近義詞/同義詞:凄涼, 凄厲, 凄切, 悲涼, 慘痛, 慘惻, 悲慘。...