“超體積”的拼音為:chāo tǐ jī...
家具體積太大,占了太多空間。Furniture is so bulky, it takes so much room.煮20分鐘,直到液體體積減半。Boil for 20 minutes until the liquid has reduced by half.它體積很大,大約有3英尺長,高度也將近3英尺。It was bulky, perhaps three feet long and almost as high....
“超體積”的英語可以翻譯為:hypervolume ...
矩陣M的行列式值的大小,為體積、面積或超體積.The magnitude of the determinant of the matrix M , a volume or area or hypervolume.超體積或特殊情況及時與銷售人員或CSR聯(lián)系.Volume over sales estimated and any other special case should contact sales and CSR in time....
“體積”的拼音為:tǐ jī...