“仙子”的英語可以翻譯為:female celestial,fairy maiden,celestial being,immortal,faerie ...
“仙子”的拼音為:xiān zǐ ...
她美如仙子!She is a real gem!仙子使魔法將兩兄弟變成了天鵝.The fairy's magic changed the two brothers into swans.你覺得牙仙子會比萊特案子來的大?You think the Tooth Fairy will be even a bigger story than Lecter?...
小仙子們跳上埃爾莎的膝蓋, 又蹦到她的掌心, 然后敏捷地一躍!The fairies sprang to Elsa's knee, then to the palms of her hands, and then - whisk!接著小仙子手指又抓住了掃帚,瞬間就把房子打掃得干干凈凈的.Then the little fairy - fingers seized the broom a twinkling they were ...
“天仙子”的拼音為:tiān xiān zǐ...
天仙子(Hyoscyamusniger)胚珠為薄珠心胚珠.The ovule of Hyoscyamus niger is renuinullceate.阿托品: 有毒的結(jié)晶性生物堿,從茄類植物, 特別是埃及天仙子提煉而得.Atropine : Anticholinergic drug. A poisonous, crystalline alkaloid derived from certain nightshade plants, e...
“天仙子”的英語可以翻譯為:[植] henbane,henbane seed,somen,semen hyoscyami ...