我們的確很親近,非常在乎對方。We were really close. We thought the world of each other.別和他太親近了——他是個無賴.Don't get too matey with him he's a rogue.你不要和他太親近.Keep your distance from him....
去年8月,他召集自己最親近的顧問在戴維營開會。Last August he convened a meeting of his closest advisers at Camp David.我不動聲色地寫, 默默享受著這小家伙親近的情意.I worte on in silence, quietly enjoying the little thing's companionship.他是個不易親近的人.He is an unap...
“親近”的拼音為:qīn jìn...
“親近”的英語可以翻譯為:e close to,be on intimate terms with,hobnob with,intimity,propinquity ...
“親近的”的英語可以翻譯為:close,conversant,familiar,hob-and-nob,near ...
“親近”的近義詞/同義詞:接近, 逼近, 迫近, 靠近, 切近, 密切, 親昵, 親切, 親熱, 親密。...
“親近”的反義詞:疏遠, 生疏。...